Tamás Biró HU    EN
ELTE logo Eötvös Loránd University > Faculty of Humanities > Institute of Ancient and Classical Studies > Department of Assyriology and Hebrew Studies Dept. logo     Marie Curie Actions   EU flag


Conference talks on my personal website.



  • Topic-focus word order in Biblical Hebrew and its translations into Hungarian.
    The First Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics Workshop, KRE, Budapest, October 26, 2023. Abstract and slides.
  • “Dr. Elsass tends to place the coverbs incorrectly”: A Sociolinguistic History of the Landesrabbinerschule in Budapest in the 19th Century.
    Branching Out: Diversity of Jewish Studies, Twelfth EAJS Congress. Goethe Universität, Frankfurt, July 18, 2023. Abstract and slides.
  • A köszöntĹ‘versek a digitális bölcsĂ©szet szemszögĂ©bĹ‘l.
    [A digital humanities perspective on the gratulatory poems.]
    Carmina Gratulatoria Hebraica – Magyar peregrinusok héber köszöntőversei a 17. században [Hebrew Carmina Gratulatoria of the Hungarian Peregrines in the 17th century] (end-of-project conference), Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Aprils 28, 2023. Slides [in Hungarian].
  • Raus hasono, davenolás, Söma JiszroĂ©l! – Kutatási kĂ©rdĂ©sek a zsidĂł religiolektus Ă©s a zsinagĂłgai nyelvhasználat terĂ©n.
    [Raush hashono, davenen, Shma Yisroel! – Reserach questions on the Jewish religiolect and language use in the synagogue.]
    Language and sacral communication: a conference on theolinguistics, KRE, Budapest, April 20, 2023.
    Abstract and slides [in Hungarian].




  • „…Milyen jo dolog magyar zsidonak lenni, de ez már egy masik vita temaja…”
    Kutatási lehetőségek egy késő 20. századi digitális korpuszban
    KDFI A magyar internet történetei, BME, Budapest, February 13–14, 2020.



  • Modes of religiosity and the history of Jewish rituals.
    Conference on Interpreting Rituals: Historiographical Perspectives and Pluralistic Contexts. Leiden University, October 29-31, 2018. Abstract and slides.
  • Early Modern Christian Hebrew: A hitherto overlooked variety of Medieval Hebrew.
    XIth Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS 2018). KrakĂłw, July 19, 2018. Abstract and slides.
  • A “postcolonial” reading of Neolog Judaism in Hungary.
    XIth Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS 2018). KrakĂłw, July 16, 2018. Abstract and slides.
  • “Whoever did not see the Rejoicing of the House of Drawing never saw rejoicing in his lifetime” (mSukkah 5:1):
    The role of high-arousal memories in post-destruction Judaism.
    Workshop “Personal and Social Emotions in Rabbinic Literature: Methods and Approaches”.
    University of Groningen, Netherlands, May 24–25, 2018. Slides.
  • Optimality Theoretical morphology for hybrid grammars: Implementing Burzio’s Output-Output Faithfulness.
    18th International Morphology Meeting (IMM18), Budapest, May 10–13, 2018. Abstract and slides.
  • What can we learn from implementing Optimality Theory?
    PTA workshop on ‘The importance of formalization in phonology’ at GLOW 41. April 14, 2018. Abstract and slides.
  • From Harmonic Grammar to Optimality Theory: Production and maturation in q-HG.
    Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW 41). April 11, 2018. Abstract and poster.
  • Andrea Götz, Tamás BirĂł, Szandra Juhász, KornĂ©lia Koltai and JĂłzsef ZsengellĂ©r:
    Magyar peregrinusok héber köszöntőversei a 17. században
    [Hebrew Carmina Gratulatoria by Hungarian Peregrines in the 17th Century].
    Hungarian Hebrew Studies Conference. February 8, 2018. Poster and abstract [in Hungarian].
  • Honnan származik az ábĂ©cĂ©nk? SĂ©mi nyelvek, sĂ©mi Ă­rások a hebraisztika szakon.
    [Where does our alphabet come from? Semitic languages and Semitic scripts in the Hebrew studies programme]
    ‘Open day’ at the Faculty of Humanities of ELTE (for prospective students). January 26, 2018. Slides.